March 8, 2022


Message From Jason on the Ukraine Crisis


Dear Chessfriends,

As you all know, in the past week Ukraine, which is part of ICCF family, was attacked by its neighbors Russia and Belarus, with horrifying consequences. Our thoughts and our hearts go out to the Ukrainian people. We hope and pray that they all will be safe.

I hope you will join with me in expressing our deepest sorrow to all the people of Ukraine and our brothers and sisters in chess. On these terrible days, our thoughts are with all those who are impacted by this terrible conflict. We share the pain with our Ukrainian chess family and pray for peace.

As many of you may know, ICCF in general is a global, non-political body and by our own statutes implores us to use our chess as a message of peace and friendship. Amici Sumus is our motto. However, we also shouldn’t remain silent. Out of solidarity with Ukraine we wholeheartedly condemn the atrocities being committed by the Russian and Belarusian leadership.

ICCF-US will do what we can to help our Ukrainian chess friends, and we will support any activities and initiatives through ICCF to help them and promote peace through chess.


Jason Bokar

ICCF-US Director